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Mr Mabey is responsible for leading art across the whole school.


This term in art, year 1 will be carrying out a topic on drawing. To begin our series of lessons, we carried out some observational drawing. In this lesson, we explored what a skyline is. We then spent some time closely observing different skylines from around the world, including London. To help us draw the base of our skyline, we traced our fingers along it before getting out our sketching pencils and drawing over the top of the skyline. Finally, we used our observations to draw the skylines we had been observing.


In Year 1, we absolutely love art. This week, as an introduction to our new geography topic: London, we explored silohouettes of different London landmarks. We were fascinated to learn about how a silohouette is formed.  We used wax crayons to create bright and vibrant sunsets. We love how the sky can change colour. Then, we chose our favourite landmark, cut it out and stuck it in front of our sunsets. We are very proud of our artwork.


There is a tradition that after the death and resurrection of Jesus, his mother Mary retraced the steps her son took on his way to the cross and then to the tomb, pausing along the way to remember what had happened. From this grew a tradition in Jerusalem, which continues to this day of walking the Via Dolorosa and then returning home to talk to others about their experiences.  


We created our own version of 'Walking the way of the Cross' in the form of an art trail. In Year 1, we created art pieces to represent Jesus carrying the Cross to Golgotha.