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Welcome to Reception. The class teachers are Mrs Hancock (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Francis (Thurs & Fri). The learning support assistant is Mrs Wilson. 

Reception Stratford Butterfly Farm Visit

The children enjoyed visiting Stratford Butterfly Farm and learning about tropical rainforests, the life-cycle of a butterfly, insects and other animals. The children had an opportunity to stroke some snakes. They were able to see some iguanas and a crocodile.  The wide variety of reptiles and insects the children were able to observe, and sometimes feed and touch was a brilliant experience for them. It was also a useful learning exercise with respect to habitats, life cycles and diets of various animals. The children represented the school well through their behaviour and conduct. This was noticed by the staff of the other schools who were also visiting the farm.


Knowledge Organiser Spring 1

Making Porridge

We made porridge and tasted it with different toppings  - plain, jam and honey.  We made a pictogram to see which was most popular.

Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2

Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1

We baked delicious Pumpkin Cake.  We had lots of fun and it was delicious.

Making Pumpkin Cake

We went for an Autumn walk and collected lots of leaves. We created an Autumn collage inspired by the colours we saw. We had great fun and used lots of glue!! Look out for a picture of the finished collage on display next week when it has dried out.

Creating an Autumn Collage

Our First Days at School