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Year 3 2021/2022

Welcome to Year 3.

The teachers are Mrs Hancock (Mon-Wed), Mrs Francis (Thurs-Fri) and the teaching assistants are Miss Kingston and Mrs Finch.

Please feel free to ask any questions or show us some beautiful work your child has done at home in your home - school communication book. 

History lesson - War of the Roses. Photos taken by Mason.

Allotment work! Thank you Mr Jones for all your hard work!

Story telling drama workshop

Computing - Learning all about branching trees and databases.

Geography - learning all about climate zones

Repotting our plant & feeding the hedgehogs (photos by children)

RE - learning about Moksha (Hinduism)

Eden Project workshop

Design and Technology - Making beautiful, seasonal soup.

Easter story experience at Rugby Methodist Church.

Helping Mr Jones make the sunflower garden ( photos taken by the children)

Geography day - Anzac biscuits (Photos by Mackenzie)

Learning all about the Stone Age


Science week

Being paleontologists!

Fossil observational drawings based on Mary Anning's discoveries

Stone Age Shelters

Using microscopes

Outdoor learning - planting bluebells and helping Mr Jones in the allotment. Photos by Mackenzie!

Dog's trust workshop

PE - learning to play handball

Year 3 / 4 Tag Rugby Festival

Prayer station

PSHE - working as a team

Science - Magnet investigation

Science - Learning all about forces.

African drumming workshop

African drumming workshop

Still image for this video

First day back - Art & Classroom Orienteering

Making Christingles

Firework Maker's Daughter - writing our own instructions.

PE - Gymnastics.

History - Learning all about the Shang Dynasty, looking at images of artefacts

Remembrance Day

Day learning all about China and the Shang Dynasty

English - learning all about homophones.

Shadow puppets, retelling the creation story

Poetry week

Science - Learning all about Light and Space Week

Collective Worship, We learnt all about perseverance when the frog fell in the cream and we persevered and made our own butter.

"The Hodgeheg" role play