What should children wear in school?
We believe that children should wear uniform in school. We would like children to have pride in being part of St. Matthew’s Bloxam and in maintaining a well-dressed, clean and smart appearance. The uniform has been designed so that most of it is easily obtainable from chain stores at reasonable prices. Our items with the school logo can be purchased from: Webb Ellis Ltd, 5 & 6 St Matthew’s Street, Rugby
or online (delivered to school) from https://www.schoolshopsales.com/stmatthewsbloxam. Spare washed and packaged pre-loved uniform can also be ordered from the school website.
If your child is unable to wear an item of the uniform temporarily, please let us know by letter.
As you can imagine, it is extremely difficult to locate and replace lost uniform. Please ensure that every item of your child’s clothing (including PE kit) is clearly labelled with permanent ink or name strips.
NURSERY AND RECEPTION Our uniform for Nursery and Reception children is slightly different to main school, so that the children are easily identified around school and cared for.
Available from https://www.schoolshopsales.com/stmatthewsbloxam Blue school book bag with logo - £5.95
Webb Ellis
5 & 6 St Matthew's Street
Rugby CV21 3BY
Tel: 01788 567777
On-line ordering at
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