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Year 6

Hello and welcome to the Year 6 class page!


Class teacher: Mrs Scott

Learning support: Mrs Turton and Miss Deiko




Stephen Lawrence workshop - November 2023

Friday 6th October we celebrated National Poetry day. Year 5 read and analysed the poem 'The Magic of the Mind' by Clive Webster. They looked at the pattern of the poem and discussed what we they thought the poem was about . We then performed the poem to the rest of the school.

We have been writing our own stories based on the book 'In Our Hands'. We wrote about the events from one of the other characters points of view. Year 5 worked really hard editing their stories and then finally publishing them by either hand writing or typing up the final draft.

SF Said Webinar - Wednesday 13th September 2023. Year 5 listened to the author SF Said as he told us about the writing process and what books, TV shows and films have inspired him in his writing.