Welcome to our reception class page. We hope you enjoy finding out what we are up to!
Below you will find our half termly thematic planning, home communication letters, information letters and photos of the children in action.
In nursery and reception we follow the Early Year Foundation Stage Curriculum which is broken down into 7 areas of learning (including 17 aspects).
The three prime areas of learning are:
The 4 Specific Areas of learning are:
We use the curriculum to plan and implement a dynamic, cross-curricular approach to learning. All areas of learning and development are important and interconnected and we plan activities to reflect the different ways that children learn through:
Your child will be working with the reception team.
We are:
Mrs Parrott (Class teacher/Early Years and key Stage 1 Phase leader)
Mrs Oakes (LSA mornings)
Mrs McInally (LSA afternoons)
Mrs O’ Toole LSA
Mrs Hutchison LSA
Please do not hesitate to see us if you have any questions, concerns or ideas we can use.
Best wishes from the reception team
Reception: Home /School Communication Date: July 22nd
The children have now completed their final week in our Early Years Foundation Stage.
They have all been absolutely super members of St Matthew’s school community over the past year and we have had so much fun in everything that we have done.
I know the children are all really excited about moving up into Year 1 and continuing on their learning journey. They will have a fantastic time with the Year 1 team and I look forward to popping into their class and seeing what they are getting up to.
A special thank you must be given to all of our Reception Class families who have worked with us throughout the year to support the children. A really firm foundation has been built from which the children can flourish and grow as they move through our school.
I wish you all a wonderful summer break and a well-deserved rest for the children.
Reception: Home /School Communication Date: July 15th
The children have had a very exciting week, visiting their new classroom and meeting their Year1 teacher on Tuesday for transition morning.
This week we have introduced the children to the division symbol in maths and have been solving problems, sharing objects and recording using our own methods.
We have been listening to different versions of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ story, talking about similarities and differences.
The children have been making collage houses for the little pigs using dried spaghetti, lollipop sticks and bricks cut from paper. They have also been making structures using large art straws, attaching them together with masking tape.
We were very excited to see that two butterflies had emerged from their cocoons and we released them into the fresh air and watched them fly away.
Reception: Home /School Communication Date: July 8th
We have had a very exciting week, going on our school trip to Umberslade Farm Park on Monday. We had the opportunity to look at different animals, find out about them and even hold and feed them. We enjoyed playing in the play area and eating our lunch at the farm. We even had a tractor ride.h It was a long day and we were very tired at the end of it but it was great fun!
Back at school we have been writing about the farm in the style of a recount, adding lots of detail to our work and drawing pictures.
We have been finding out about mother and baby animals and the correct names for them. We have been painting pictures of our farm trip and have designed our own farms-drawing plans of them and labelling each part of the farm.
We had great fun making butter from double cream, shaking the cream for a long time until it gained the consistency of butter. We then spread it onto baguettes and tasted it.
July 1st 2016
This week we have been learning about Venn diagrams in our maths lessons. We have been sorting objects by certain criteria, placing them into 2 hoops and then seeing where the sets overlap.
We have been writing out reports to be sent home, thinking about what we have enjoyed at school this year.
In preparation for our farm visit next Monday we have been talking about farms and the different sorts of farms there are. We have been finding out about the animals you might find on a farm what they eat and drink and matching young and adult animals.
June 24th 2016
We are continuing our topic on dinosaurs and this week we had a special delivery! We found a dinosaur egg which needed to be placed in water for 48 hours in order for the dinosaur to hatch. We eagerly awaited the arrival and what would come out of the shell.
We have been making posters about caring for dinosaurs.
We have been finding out about dinosaur skeletons and the work of a palaeontologist. We carefully looked in the sand using brushes to clean the pretend bones and then assembled the skeleton. We have also been making skeletons from cotton buds.
Using the play dough we have made dinosaurs, adding pasta shapes and googly eyes.
In maths we have been continuing counting large groups of objects by putting them in groups of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
June 17th 2016
This week we have continued our topic on dinosaurs.
We really enjoyed looking after the pretend dinosaur eggs we made last week from balloons and papier mache. We have safely put them into their nest and have written a story about where we might find the nest and how to care for the eggs. We are waiting to hatch the eggs.
We have talked about what life was like a long time ago during the dinosaur age and have made volcanoes in a bottle from bicarbonate of soda and vinegar.
In maths we have been learning to count in 2’s and 5’s and have been grouping objects to count them accurately.
On Tuesday we had lots of fun celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday at our Stay and Play. We made crowns to wear and played party games and had some food.
June 10th 2016
This week we started our topic on dinosaurs. The children were very excited and we started the week by finding out what the children know about dinosaurs and what they would like to find out. We drew our own imaginary dinosaurs on large pieces of paper then we wrote descriptions of them, using adjectives, capital letters and full stops.
We have been making dinosaur eggs from balloons covered in papier mache. We will wait for the eggs to hatch and see what comes out from them. We have talked about what it would have been like to live a long time ago compared to now and how we can care for our world.
In maths we have been looking at addition and subtraction problems, using a variety of strategies to solve them. We have also been working out doubles of numbers.
Date: May 27th
This week the children have been learning all about science, doing lots of chemistry experiments and predicting what might happen.
We have used different liquids to blow up balloons, made our own ice-cream and changed the colour of flowers by using different coloured water. We have made rainbow coloured liquid, explored how popcorn is made, created our own rain clouds and made magic colour changing milk.
We have also looked at magnetism, potion making, using cosmic playdough to make planets and sorted different types of materials. In the outside area the children have made rockets, looked at a wormery and tried to ‘cook’ marshmallows using mirrors.
We were visited by Tim from ‘Gribbly Bugs’ and had lots of fun looking at his bugs and learning all about them There were lots to look at; some very small, some big, some slow, and some we were not sure what they were!
Date: May 20th
We are continuing with our topic on’ growing’ and this week we have been learning about the life cycles of chickens and humans. The children really enjoyed representing the life cycle of a chicken on a paper plate with pictures and collage materials. They have been thinking about the things they could do when they were a baby, a toddler, now, and what they might like to do when they grow up.
In maths the children have been exploring 3D shapes, thinking about the properties of the shapes and building models with them.
The children have had great fun going on a mini-beast hunt in our school grounds and then finding out about the mini beasts using books and the internet.
Date: May 13th
This week the children have been listening to the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. They have drawn a story map of the book as a class and have written their own story about what the butterfly might do next. The children have been practising the days of the week around what the caterpillar ate and have designed a home for the caterpillar, thinking about what it might need.
In Maths the children have been exploring 3D shapes, building models with them.
The children have had great fun have making caterpillar sandwiches using a range of vegetables and fillings.
There has been a selection of activities for the children to choose from based on the book. The children used egg boxes and tissue paper to make their own caterpillar and have been sorting and counting the fruit that the caterpillar ate. They have been exploring bug filled slime and seeing what they could find in it and have been making caterpillar necklaces and threading leaves.
May 6th 2016
This week the children have been exploring symmetry. They have looked at pictures of butterflies and talked about the symmetrical patterns on the wings. They then painted symmetrical patterns on their own butterfly template, creating a pattern on one wing and folding the paper in half to transfer the pattern to the other wing.
The children really enjoyed making symmetrical patterns on pitta bread pizza butterflies, using food such as cheese, tomatoes and peppers, and then cooking the pizzas.
There has been a selection of activities the children could choose form this week based on symmetry and growing. The children used leaves and twigs to create symmetrical patterns, they explored mini-beasts using magnifying glasses and they created a flower on the creative table using a selection of materials .Using playdough they made mini-beasts adding symmetrical patterns.
Our role play has now been changed into a hospital where the children can act out looking after children and grown- ups.
April 29th
We have continued our topic on ’growing’. This week we listened to the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and thought about how the animals in the story treated the little hen. We wrote a letter of apology from the animals, thinking of the features and layout of a letter.
In maths we have been working on sharing, placing equal amounts of ‘cheddars’ into 2, 3 or 4 fields. We thought about how to share the cheddars and how to record our calculations. After listening to the story of ‘The Little Red hen’ we discussed how our bread is made and we made bread rolls, looking at the changes in the dough after mixing and then after cooking.
We have made paper flowers for our role play using a variety of materials such as paper plates, gardening sticks, tissue paper and felt.
In our builders tray we have been making potato heads, attaching a variety of fruit and vegetables to the potato with little sticks.
We have developed our fine motor skills by making stick puppets for the ‘Little Red Hen’ story and making playdough animals for the story.
In the water area we have been exploring capacity through using a variety of containers. In the sand area we have been exploring weight and capacity through filling paper bags with sand and weighing them on balance scales.
Date: April 22nd
This week we have started our topic on ’growing’. The children were very excited to look around our foundation garden for something unexpected. They found lots of flowers which had mysteriously arrived! Back in class we talked about what flowers and plants need to grow. The children then planted some magic seeds and thought about what they might turn into. They drew their plant and wrote about it.
In maths we have been finding out about halving by sharing objects equally between 2 teddies and then recording our calculations.
We have listened to a famous piece of music called ‘Peer Gynt’ by the composer Grieg. The children painted what they could see in their minds. They experimented with colour mixing and adding texture to the paint by adding things such as lentils, rice, oats or glitter.
We have been using our class lap tops to use a paint program.
The children have been making seed pictures by selecting different seeds and sticking them on paper. They have been developing their fine motor skills by using tweezers to pick up different seeds and sort them into little pots.
Date: April 15th
This is the final week on our pirate topic.
We have talked about being stranded on a deserted treasure island and how we might find help. The children have been writing letters and putting them in bottles to throw out to sea!
In maths we have been working on weight. The children have been measuring and comparing the weight of objects such as fruit and toys, using non-standard units as a measure (cubes, little toys). They then ordered items by weight.
In music we have been using un-tuned percussion instruments, changing the sounds on them, for example low/quiet sounds and long/short sounds.
We have been using junk modelling materials to make our own choice of models, thinking about the appearance of the finished product and how we might modify our designs
April 8th 2016
A very warm welcome back after the Easter holiday! We have a very busy time ahead and lots of exciting things to do.
We are continuing our topic on pirates for this week and next week as the children are thoroughly enjoying this theme and have come up with ideas about things they would like to do.
In English we have been designing our own treasure maps, adding labels and writing a description of our special islands. We are now writing in more detail, using capital letters, full stops and adjectives in our work.
In maths we have been exploring time, using little clocks to set the time to O’clock for key times of our day and also for times in the book ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’
We had great fun making edible treasure islands, using a tortilla wrap as the land and adding a variety of food for features on it such as sweetcorn for treasure, crumbled bread for sand and raisins for paths.
We talked about rules that pirates might have on a boat to keep them safe and why we have rules at school.
Date: March 17th 2016
This week we have been working on our Easter activities.
The children listened to the Easter story and then sequenced pictures showing the story, adding their own captions and sentences.
We made our own Easter gardens in small trays, using found resources such as twigs, stones, grass, paper etc.
Using cotton wool balls dipped in different coloured paint, and held with pegs, the children made repeating patterns on a large egg template.
We tasted hot cross buns, thinking of the significance of the cross on the bun.
The children enjoyed making chicks from coloured playdough, decorated with feather and googly eyes.
In our phonics area the children have been matching egg halves to complete a word.Sleepy Story Evening
We had a wonderful time at our Sleepy Story Evening!
March 11th
We have been continuing our work on pirates this week. The children have been making treasure boxes from egg boxes, thinking what they should look like and how they could be assembled and decorated.
The children have been finding out how people wrote words on paper hundreds of years ago by using a feather and paint on our graphics table.
We have been thinking about the rules that the pirates might need on board ship to keep them safe and how we have rules at school and at home, and why.
We have been exploring the properties of ‘gloop’ which is made from corn flour and warm water, using our hands and utensils such as sieves.
In maths we have been working on addition calculations by counting on from the biggest number which we keep in our heads, using objects to help us.
Date: March 4th
The children have had an exciting time continuing their work on pirates.
This week they made their own pirate boats, selecting their own materials and resources. After the children had made their boats they predicted what would happen when we sailed them in the water. We then launched the boats and eagerly waited to see what would happen! The children then modified their designs and relaunched the boats.
We have been making pirate hats, using a template to cut around and then collaging the hats.
The children had great fun threading small objects onto dry spaghetti such as cheerios, beads and macaroni, developing their fine motor control.
In maths we have continued our work on subtraction and have been recording our calculations either pictorially or with a written calculation. We have been learning to count back from the largest number by keeping that number in our heads.
We have made a treasure island on a table from a simple grid and have described the position of pirate objects such as above, below, next to, left and right.
We are measuring the heights of our 2 plants each week, Tom and Ruby, using a cm ruler. We have been discussing what a plant needs to grow.
Date: February 26th
Welcome back! We hope you all had an enjoyable and restful half term.
This week we started out topic on ’pirates’. First of all the children discussed what they knew about pirates then they thought about what they would like to learn about pirates over the following weeks.
In English the children cut out a picture of a pirate and drew objects their pirate might need such as a treasure box, parrot, compass etc. Then then labelled their pirate and added captions and sentences sing their phonic knowledge.
In maths the children have been working on subtraction, using objects to help them work out simple calculations. They then recorded their calculations.
The children had great fun using our programmable toys called bee bots, moving them around our pirate island on the carpet. The children practiced programming the toys with instructions such as forwards, backwards, left and right.
Date: February 12th
This week the children have been learning about Chinese New Year. They listened to the story of Chinese New Year and learnt about ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,) putting the animals into the order that they came in at the end of the special race in the story.
This year is the year of the monkey and the children enjoyed making a monkey mask, decorating it with a range of materials.
The class made red envelopes which symbolises good luck, thinking what materials to use and how to assemble them. They then put golden chocolate coins in the envelopes!
We had great fun making Chinese lanterns from card, cutting slits in the card, adding a handle and decorating it with glitter and sequins.
The children tasted traditional Chinese food – noodles, prawn crackers, spring rolls and chicken and sweetcorn soup. They were yummy!
We listened to the traditional Chinese story of Guo Nian and acted it out, adding sound effects with percussion instruments.
On Shrove Tuesday the children tasted pancakes and decided which topping they would like on it. They learnt about why we might eat pancakes on this day
Date: February 5th
We have spent this week completing our topic on ’Frozen’. The children have had great fun exploring different media and materials through painting with frozen paint, exploring frozen sand and playing in the small world with ice and shaving foam.
In maths we have been learning about 3D shapes-cubes, cuboids, cylinders and spheres. We have learnt about their properties and built models with them, deciding which are the best shapes to use for a particular purpose.
We have been mark making in trays of flour, using a cotton bud to write words after matching pictures to the correct word.
We have been thinking about how to care for wildlife in the cold weather and made bird feeders. We used a pine cone and covered it with lard, bread, and dried fruit. We then hung the feeders up outside. We look forward to seeing the birds eat from them
On Friday we had a visit from Emily who works for the Dogs Trust. She brought along her toy pet dog called Buster and we learnt how to care for dogs and how to stay safe around them
January 29th 2016
This week we have been writing instructions for making a snowman we made from polystyrene cups. We decorated the cups with felt buttons and a mouth then threw a sock stuffed with newspaper at the snowman cups to try and knock them over. We thought about the order of the instructions and used our phonics to sound out and write our words.
In maths we have been practicing our number formation and counting out to 10 and 20, identifying missing numbers, the next number and one more. We have been working out doubles of numbers to 10.
We had great fun exploring a variety of rubber gloves with holes and slits in as we poured water into the gloves. We have explored the properties of custard on our malleable table and have added glitter and sea animals to it.
Continuing with our ‘Frozen’ theme we have transformed our role play into a winter landscape and the children have been ordering numbered polar animals in it.
We have been making castles for the ‘Frozen’ characters from junk modelling materials and have decorated them with a variety of collage materials
Date: January 22nd
This week we held a science week where the children had great fun experimenting with winter themed science experiments following the snow we had at the weekend. We talked about snow and ice and used the internet to locate countries which have a lot of snow and ice.
We explored how Polar animas stay warm in icy water by feeling how cold ice cubes were. We then used a woolly glove and thought about how it felt when it got wet. The next thing we did was to put our hands between bags of oil and compare the temperature to when we put our hands back in the ice bowl. Lastly we put a plastic glove on and covered the glove in lard and put our hand in the icy water to see what it felt like.
Our second experiment was called Sticky Ice. Our challenge was to see if we could lift a piece of ice from a bowl of ice cubes using only the string. After a few attempts we sprinkled salt onto the ice and tried with the string again!
Our final experiment was called Frozen Ocean. We had a large bowl filled with polar sea creatures which were frozen in ice. We thought about how we could release the animals. We used different materials to try and melt the ice and found out which was the best one.
Date: January 15th 2016
This week we have continued our work on the theme of ‘Frozen’.
The children listened to a piece of music called ‘Night on a Bare Mountain’ by the composer Mussorgsky. They moved in response to the music then thought about what they could picture in their heads as the music played. The children painted in response to the music and we have displayed their paintings as a picture gallery in the entrance to our classroom.
The children have made snowflakes from CD’s which they have independently decorated and we have displayed them in our classroom.
We have been thinking about the weather we might have during the winter and the children have drawn and labelled winter clothes.
In maths we have been working on money and we have created our Reception class ‘food shop’ with real food, which is priced. The children have had great fun writing shopping lists, buying and paying for the food with coins.
Date: January 8th 2016
A very warm welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.
This week we started out topic on ‘Frozen’. We have turned our role play into a Frozen landscape, complete with magical castle.
In English we have been talking about the main characters in the film and have made life sized cut out of them which we labelled with adjectives and captions. We also made some snow men by rolling up news paper and decorating it.
Date: December 11th and week beginning December 14th
The children have had an extremely busy week with all of our Christmas activities. We started the week with lots of rehearsals for our Christmas play with Nursery and then performed it to our families on Wednesday and Thursday. The children did extremely well; learning songs, words and actions, and speaking on their own in front of lots of people. Well done!
We have been making Christmas cards and calendars and writing our letters to Father Christmas. We will visit the school office every day to see if we have had a reply from Santa.
Our role play has been turned into Santa’s workshop and the children have been busy wrapping boxes and toys, adding ribbons, bows and labels, ready to put under the Christmas tree.
Week ending December 4th
What another busy week the children have had!
We had a fantastic time at the theatre on Tuesday watching ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’. The children were a credit to both the school and their families. They thoroughly enjoyed the production and used the experience of the play to write a recount of their visit, thinking about using words such as First, Next and Finally.
In maths we have been looking at length and have measured classroom objects using non- standard measures such as cubes, straws and glue sticks.
The children have been busy making Christmas calendars and have said they will keep it a secret from you!
Using playdough the children have made snakes and added repeating patterns to them with coloured pegs. They have been developing their fine motor control by positioning the tiny hama beads on a base.
Continuing with our Gruffalo theme the children have been playing games such as matching pairs of pictures, size ordering and sequencing.
The children have been introduced to one of our ‘Building Learning Power’ toys called ‘Billy the Team Bee’.Week ending 27th November
This week we have continued our work on ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’.
We received a letter from the Gruffalo and went on a treasure hunt, following clues, to find the animals from the story. We have made a story map of the book, sequencing the key events, adding pictures and labels to the map.
The children have enjoyed making a decorated owl biscuit using soft cheese, crackers, sultanas and grapes. Using playdough the children have made a Gruffalo with buttons, pipe cleaners and straws for the features. They have sequenced Gruffalo pictures by size and have made a movable ‘Gruffalo child’ with split pins to attach the arms and legs.
In maths we have been adding two groups of objects to find the total.
Week ending 20th November 2015
This week we started our topic on the ‘Gruffalo’s child’. As an introduction to our work we have been reading the story of ‘The Gruffalo’. The children thought about what their Gruffalo might look like and drew it, adding labels which included adjectives. They then decorated it for a class display.
We then thought about what the Gruffalo might say and how it might talk. We played ‘hot seating’. The children took it in turns to sit on a special chair and talk as if they were the Gruffalo, sharing their ideas and thoughts. It was good fun!
In maths we have been working on adding one more, using objects and a number line. We have started to record our calculations by drawings and written methods.
We have been experimenting with adding chalk to water, predicting what might happen and why. We then experimented with using the chalks on different textured paper.
We have been using the class camera to take a picture of something in the classroom, using the zoom function and then printing the picture.
Christmas rehearsals are well underway and the children are really enjoying singing our songs.
Week ending 13th November
This week the children have been working on activities about Diwali.
We listened to the story of Rama and Sita and the children had great fun acting it out. We made masks of different characters in the story and decorated them before sticking them on to a lollipop stick
We found out about mehndi patterns and the children used a cotton bud dipped in food colouring and cornflour to make patterns on a hand template they had cut out.
It was very exciting to make chocolate fudge for a Diwali present and to write a label for it.
We made Diwali cards and also used chalks on black paper to make rangoli patterns.
Week ending 6th November
This week we have been working on bonfire night activities. We learnt about the story of Guy Fawkes and his plan to blow up the houses of parliament.
We have made chocolate finger fireworks by dipping the ends of the biscuits in icing sugar and then rubbing them in sprinkles.
We explored what might happen when we added three different food colourings to milk and then a small drop of washing up liquid; talking about our predictions, what we saw and exploring new descriptive words.
After looking at pictures of different fireworks we made our own pictures by splattering paint on paper and adding string coils dipped in paint to look like catherine wheel fireworks.
We made up some firework music using un-tuned percussion instruments and we learnt how to make up a graphic score (pictures to show a story), and how to represent the pictures with music.
We talked about keeping safe around fireworks and designed our own safety poster.
We made up a 2D shape firework by cutting out lots of different 2D shapes and sticking them onto a template of a firework.
Week ending 23rd October 2015
This week we went on an autumn walk and explored the school grounds collecting leaves, pine cones, conkers and even feathers and sticks. We saw different coloured berries on the trees and were careful not to pick them. When we got back into the classroom we sorted our objects using our own criteria. We then used magnifying glasses to look at the detail on our objects and drew them on large pieces of paper on the carpet.
We talked about harvesting the crops at this time of year and learnt about making bread. We ‘had a go’ at making a pretend dough using flour, salt and water. We had to whisk it really hard to mix everything together.
We have been finishing our work on ‘Naughty Bus’ and this week it went into space and played with some aliens. We drew our aliens and described them using an adjective, writing our words down using our phonics.
We have been going over the phonics we have learnt so far (s a t p i n d o g c k) and have practiced sounding out words by segmenting and blending the phonemes together,
It was very exciting to have a visit from the Rugby play bus and great fun to play in the bus!
Weekending 16th Oct
We have continued our work on ‘Naughty Bus’ and this week we thought about what the bus might drive through, for example, baked beans, spaghetti, cornflakes, shreddies. The children then thought of adjectives to describe this mixture, such as squashy, hard, soft, gloopy. They used their knowledge of phonics to listen for phonemes in their words and wrote the corresponding graphemes down.
In maths we have been exploring pattern. We used unifix cubes to make repeating patterns then we made fruit kebab patterns using grapes, banana slices and orange segments, for example, grape/banana/grape/banana or orange/orange/grape/orange/orange/grape.
In PE we have been exploring the space in the hall, listening carefully to instructions. We have been moving in a variety of ways and playing movement games such as the ‘bean’ game and traffic lights.
Week ending October 9th
What a busy week we have had!
It was great fun raising money in order to buy equipment for our outside area. We enjoyed our sponsored walk around the playground, making and selling cakes, buying toys and having a teddy bears picnic.
We have continued our work on ‘Naughty Bus’ and made sandwiches to take on an imaginary bus journey, deciding what filling we wanted to use.
We have been learning about 2D shapes and went on a shape hunt to see what shapes we could find. We looked for squares, circles, triangles and rectangles. We have started to learn the properties of these shapes.
We have been using junk modelling to make vehicles such as cars, lorries, trains and buses. We have thought about how to assemble our models and what joining materials we could use. We then decorated our vehicles.Week ending October 2nd
This week we started our work on the story ‘Naughty Bus’. The children received a letter from the toy maker telling them that a present had been delivered to school, but he did not know where to leave it. We went on a hunt around the school and found it in the year 2 classroom. It was a toy naughty bus! We have been painting pictures of our favourite toys and adding labels.
In maths we have been working on number stories using toys in our calculations.
We have written our class prayer using our own ideas. We have put the prayer in our reflection area.
We have learnt out about the festival of Eid and we made some paper mosque lanterns.
We have been using wheeled vehicles to make patterns in paint, looking at the different textures and patterns made, and have used our programmable toys called ‘bee bots’ to move around buildings made of3D shapes.
Week beginning September 21st
We have been working on the topic "ourselves" and have been thinking about our families. We have each made a family tree, drawing pictures of our family. We have used our first mark making to sound out the initial phonemes in names and tried to write the corresponding graphemes.
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