Leadership team:
Mrs Anita Timson: Headteacher. DSL Lead. Designated Teacher for Children in Care.
Assessment, Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), Collective Worship, SIAMS, Designated Senior Mental Health Lead, First Aider for Mental Health (staff)
Mrs Helen Francis: Deputy Headteacher. Leader of Nursery and Reception (EYFS), DSL, Designated Teacher for Children in Care.
SENDCo/Inclusion Manager, Computing, Attendance, Pupil Premium,
Reception teacher (Thursday-Friday)
Miss Emily Hughes: Leader of Year 3 and Year 4
Year 4 Teacher, Maths, KS2 Phonics, English as an Additional Language (EAL), Lunchtimes
Miss Lauren Blackaby: Leader of Year 5 and Year 6
Year 5 Teacher, English, Religious Education (RE), Global Neighbours lead
Miss Lois Cartledge: Leader of Year 1 and Year 2
Year 2 Teacher, Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Health Education (RSHE), ECT and Student mentor
Mrs Jo Byard: School Business Manager
Teaching Staff:
Mrs Jo Hancock: Reception Teacher (Monday-Wednesday)
Early Reading (Phonics), Physical Education (PE), extra-curricular activities/clubs
Mrs Sybil Adair-Whitell: Year 1 Teacher
Music, School Council
Mr Richard Mabey: Year 3 Teacher
Art, Design and Technology, School Sustainability Lead
Mrs Sammy Scott: Year 6 Teacher
History, Geography
Specialist Resource Provision - 'The Lighthouse' - staff
Mrs Paula Darnbrough - Teacher in charge. Science lead.
Mrs Tabitha Robinson - TA3
Mrs Amy Richardson - TA1
Mrs Sharon Joy - TA1 (Mornings/lunchtime)
Miss Sophie Lawton - TA1 (Lunchtime/afternoon)
Learning Support Mentor/Early Help Co-ordinator:
Mrs Claire Jones - DSL, First Aider for Mental Health (children)
Nursery Staff
Mrs Sarah Wilson - lead
Mrs Julie Finch
Learning Support Assistants:
Miss Hailey Becker
Mrs Kayleigh Clarke
Miss Zane Deiko
Mrs Julie Finch
Mrs Michelle Franklin
Mrs Lucy Hartwell
Mrs Sarah Jones
Mrs Sharon Joy
Miss Sophie Lawton
Mrs Sarah Longstaff
Mrs Cat McInally
Mrs Amy Richardson
Mrs Tabitha Robinson
Mrs Tracy Turton
Mrs Beth Watts
Mrs Sarah Wilson
School Office Staff:
Mrs Jo Byard -School Business Manager / DSL
Midday Supervisors:
Mrs Lyn Patel (Senior Midday Supervisor)
Mrs Julie Finch
Mrs Michelle Franklin
Miss Shelley Gibson
Mrs Sara Guy
Mrs Lucy Hartwell
Mrs Morin Montfort-Dayan
Mr Peter Stacey
Ms Maki Tang
Miss Katie Wilson
Premises Team:
Mrs Sarah Wilson
Mrs Priyanthy Maniyalagan
Mrs Morin Montfort-Dayan
Mr Peter Stacey
Miss Sarah Usher
Building Blox Before and After School Club:
Mrs Cat McInally (Club Coordinator) - DSL
Mrs Sarah Wilson
Mrs Sharon Ryan
Mr Peter Stacey
Mrs Michelle Franklin
Mrs Lucy Hartwell
Mrs Sarah Longstaff
Catering Team (Educaterers):
Mrs Sarah Smith (Cook in Charge)
Mrs Emma Douglas
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) for Child Protection Staff
Mrs Anita Timson (Lead)
Mrs Helen Francis
Mrs Jo Byard
Mrs Claire Jones
Mrs Cat McInally
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