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Worship Group


Mrs Elson leads Worship Group on a Friday afternoon. It is attended by children in Years 5 and 6.

The children spend time in prayer and reflection as well as planning special church services and collective worship which they deliver to the whole school once every term.

The Worship Group were instrumental in developing our School Vision and Values. (see the PowerPoint below in how our vision was created). 

The pupils in this group take the lead on Harvest and Easter charity appeals (Rugby Foodbank and Transforming Lives for Good - Make Lunch).

The Worship Group are currently working towards;

Consulting classes on developing their classroom worship spaces

Developing a Reflection Garden

Designing a School Values Day

Developing links with a school in Mozambique which is linked to our local church

Creating a Prayer box for everyone in the school community to use

Harvest Festival 2020

In normal times our Worship Group would plan the service and lead it at our local Church. However due to Covid-19 restrictions this year we had to use alternative ways to celebrate.

We are blessed to have two amazingly talented vicars, Revs Alan and Jane Hulme. They recorded a Harvest Festival service for the children to watch in their classes. 

You can watch it here  https://youtu.be/-k1mjtUTfdg