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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1.

The teachers are Mrs Hancock (Mon-Wed), Mrs Francis (Thurs-Fri) and the teaching assistants are Mrs Clarke (am) and Miss Deiko (pm)

PE is on Tuesdays. Children to wear PE kit to school.

Forest school is on Wednesdays. School overalls / wellies are available or children can bring their own clothes to change into. 

Please feel free to ask any questions or show us some beautiful work your child has done at home in your home - school communication book.

Our own Great Fire of London!

Still image for this video

Our own Great Fire of London!

Still image for this video

Global neighbours - Cooking cakes and cookies to raise money for the toilet twinning charity.

Geography morning - making binoculars

Music day - a few photos from my activity

Planting sweetcorn

History - looking at life in the 17th century

Drawing Claude

Cooking carrot cakes (spot the photos taken by children!)

Coronation celebrations - decorating biscuits, making crowns and playing party games.

Physical maths - number facts

Gardening with Mr Jones. Planting potatoes, preparing the ground for the sunflower maze & checking the pond. (Apologies for the muddy shoes, next week we'll wear wellies)

Science - naming and labelling body parts

Finding castles in England

Science - investigating and creating habitats

Safer internet day

Science - creating animal habitats.

Art - creating icy, snowy collage backgrounds.

NSPCC number day

Whole class photo and house family photos

Music - playing notes

Physical maths - number bonds to 20

PSHE - Looking at steps to succeed our goal. Our goal was to make a jam sandwich.

English - drama and planning our friendship recipes.

Modern Foreign Languages Day - We learnt all about the Three Kings Day and how people celebrate Christmas in Spain.

Science - We went on a walk to find and identify animals into different groups including mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and insects.

Christmas cards

Science - Which material best protected the egg.

Homework project - Rockets!

Maths week - symmetry fun!

Class photo shoot! Spot the moment Mrs Finch is making funny faces to make them smile!!

Boxing fun! For those children who didn't get another turn, Mrs Hancock will be bringing the gloves back next week!

Science - being meteorologists.

Acting out the Prince Cinders story in English

Enterprise week

Continuous provision

How to be a lion shared poems.

Roald Dahl day