The staff in Nursery are Miss Hutchison and Mrs Finch.
We have been super busy! We have made pirate ships and telescopes. We practiced our number recognition and counted out pirate coins. We used the slide for the first time this year as the weather was fine! On Thursday we went on a looking and listening walk and used our telescopes.
We are learning about pirates, we also made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and celebrated World Book Day on Thursday.
This week we have read the book "On Sudden Hill". This inspired us to make even more dens from boxes and we even had a picnic, just like the boys in the book. We made special biscuits to eat on our picnic, we had a great time.
We also learnt number 4 and are now learning to subitise it.
We have been making vehicles for people who help us. We have made police cars, fire engines and post vans. We celebrated Chinese New Year and had some delicious Chinese food. We made a dragon head and did some dragon dancing. We made a fantastic winter collage and on Friday we had great fun making a den!
Construction workers and 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.
The Gruffalo and making silly soup.
Autumn 2
This week we have been getting ready for Christmas.
Some of us dressed up as times tables rock stars for maths day. We also tried some indian food.
This week we have been celebrating and learning about diwali and bonfire night.
Autumn 1
We have enjoyed making playdough pumpkins and pumpkin cakes.
We have had another busy but great week in Nursery. We have been practising our scissor skills by making number block puppets and cutting and sticking. We have made autumn kebabs with leaves, shaving foam cakes and had real pasta to cook with in the home corner. We have also been learning to recognise and subitise 1-3 and creating lots of lovely pictures.
This week we have been painting self portraits and looking closely at our features on our face. We have been enjoying dancing and singing. We have also been learning to subitise numbers 1 to 3. This is where we learn to recognise an amount of numbers in patterns without having to count them. The patterns can be different but the amount is the same.
We have been looking at Autumnal things and created an autumn collage. We have also been learning about numbers.
We looked at a pumpkin squash. It was hard on the outside but was soft when we cut it up. We talked about how the pumpkin grew from a tiny seed just like the ones inside the pumpkin.
We have been dressing up for Roald Dahl day and enjoyed an autumn walk.
Week 1
The first week of Nursery has gone so quickly. Mrs Finch and I have been really impressed with how quickly the children have settled in, they are a wonderful group of children and we are looking forward to getting to know them more. If you haven’t already done so please complete and return your funding form asap. Also please complete the tapestry online learning journal permission slip if you haven’t done so already. We have been adding some photos and observations to these already so make sure you activate your account (you should receive an email to do this). If you have any problems activating then let us know and we can help.
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