Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to the year 5 class page.


Class Teacher Mrs Scott

Learning support Mrs Watts


Here you will find information and pictures from year 5. 


Information for spring term. 

PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. 

Bridges DT Day 15th February 2023. We looked at bridge designs and then designed our own bridges that would cross over the River Tiber in Rome. We then made a prototype of our bridges to test them out.

Maths week - On Wednesday 16th November year 5 practiced their times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. Take a lot at the photos on the presentation.

Map work. Understanding of map symbols and what contour lines show. Year 5 looked at an OS map of Rugby and the local areas.

First Week back at school. Year 5 have had a fantastic first week back at school. It has been a joy to welcome them back. Take a look at some of the work we have already produced.