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Building Blox

To book your place contact Mrs McInally on mcinally.c@welearn365.com.

In an emergency during the after school sessions, you can contact Building Blox on 07920535399.

The Building Blox Club is located in the heart of the school building in a purpose built room with excellent facilities for the children and access to a secure outdoor learning and play area.

Before School

The Building Blox Before School Club is open from 7.45am to 8.45am each day during term time. The cost for each session is £4 from 8am and £5.50 from 7.45am.


The Building Blox Before School Club offers a light breakfast of cereal or toast with a drink, a variety of activities for our lively members, homework support for those who need it or just a quiet area to relax before the start of the school day. The staff will ensure that younger children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 are delivered safely to their classes for the start of the school day.




After School

The Building Blox After School Club runs from 3.15pm to 6pm each day during term time. Prices from September 2023 will be £10.00 per session until 6pm and 10 percent discount for siblings. Short stay club sessions are from 3.15pm to 4.15pm and are charged at £5.50 per session. We also offer an Extra Short Stay session from 3.15 - 3.45pm for those parents that may need to collect children from different schools, or if they get held up at work or stuck in traffic. The cost for the extra short stay session is £3.50.















Building Blox After School Club offers a welcoming and engaging environment for children at the end of a busy school day. There are age appropriate activities for all children and half termly themed activities that they can take part in. Whether they want to relax or be more energetic, there will be activities to suit every child. In addition to the activities on offer, light snacks and drinks are also provided.




Mrs McInally leads our Building Blox After School Club, assisted by Mrs Ryan. Mrs Wilson leads the before school session assisted by Mr Stacey or Mrs Franklin during busier times.


For bookings or further information, please contact Mrs McInally on mcinally.c@welearn365.com. The registration form must be completed and handed to the office/Building Blox prior to a child attending any session.


7.45 - 8.45am      £5.50

8.00 - 8.45am      £4

3.15 - 3.45pm      £3.50

3.15 - 4.15pm      £5.50

3.15 - 6.00pm      £10

3.15 - 6.00pm      £9 for additional siblings.

Building Blox registration form and terms and conditions

Recent Events:


Building Blox held an Easter Egg-stravaganza in March where the children found lots of chocolate eggs hidden in the garden, made their own baskets and other Easter crafts.

During February, we invited everyone to join us for Baking Week. The children baked cupcakes, made Rocky Road and Rice Krispie cakes! Yum! 

Building Blox had a Christmas 'Crafternoon' and we made all things Christmassy! We also enjoyed some pizza and decorated the tree!



In November, Building Blox hosted a Bonfire Night Celebration. The children had tremendous fun trying to bob apples (this is very hard but entertaining!), then decorated their apples with chocolate and sprinkles, and had a go at painting fireworks. After hot dogs, they each had a turn with a sparkler which was a new experience for some, and they thoroughly enjoyed it. Look out for the Christmas events next month!