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At St. Matthew’s Bloxam, our Art and Design curriculum has been designed carefully to challenge our children in exciting and creative ways. Our curriculum is inclusive of all of our children. Our art curriculum is split across our 3 key stages. Each key stage covers 5 art techniques over the course of the key stage; drawing, painting, collage, sculpture and printing. Our whole school lesson approach has been designed to develop skills within each phase as well as revisit and develop skills taught previously. Each child has a sketchbook which follows them through school. Our children are given ownership of their sketchbook in order to foster their skills and creativity. Children use their sketchbooks to record their initial observational drawings, develop their skills, record their ideas and evaluate their work and the work of others. Children learn about a range of artists and are given the opportunity to explore and respond to their work. We invite local artists into school to share their knowledge and experiences with our children. Assessment is ongoing throughout lessons and teacher use the school’s summative assessment methods to inform future teaching and planning.