Mr Mabey is responsible for leading design and technology across the whole school.
Year 4- Moving vehicles
This term, Year 1 have been designing/ improving traditional British sandwiches (cucumber, tomato, cheese and pickle, and ham and mustard) to include additional healthy foods. We designed these sandwiches for ourselves to promote a healthy diet. During the make process, year 1 developed cutting, spreading and grating skills. At the end of the day, the tried their sandwiches. We had mixed reviews in the classroom over the taste of our sandwiches.
This term in DT, Year 2 have been making puppets for a seaside puppet show. They have explored joining two pieces of fabric together to make finger puppets, practicing their sewing skills, including a running stitch and over stitch, and finally they used their designs and skills to make hand puppets.
Year 1 have been investigating moving mechanisms in DT this half term. Our task was to make a moving picture for our class book Rapunzel to make it more exciting. We have practised making sliders, leavers and wheels. We then planned our own projects and brought them to life.
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