We achieve these aims by:
- Units from both SACRE and Understanding Christianity are taught discretely
- Understanding Christianity and The Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed SACRE syllabus are taught throughout EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2.
- RE is a legal entitlement and all pupils at St Matthew’s Bloxam engage with the minimum of a weekly one hour RE lesson.
- RE is taught as a discrete subject but teachers are encouraged to plan with flexibility, seeking specific opportunities to make links to other subjects, including the arts, where it is felt that RE learning may be further enhanced.
- In addition to this we link two big writes a year to the Christmas story and the Easter story.
- Units from Understanding Christianity (UC) and the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus form the basis of our planning at St Matthew’s Bloxam so that pupils will acquire knowledge and understanding of people that follow the six principal world religions: Christians, Muslims, Jewish people, Sikhs and Buddhists and Hindus, as well as Humanists and people of no faith.
- Class teachers use the resources provided by Understanding Christianity and Warwickshire SACRE as a basis for creating relevant, stimulating and creative learning opportunities for their pupils, ensuring that the principles and processes that support quality learning within a unit are not compromised.
- Class teachers will adapt plans to ensure that lessons meet the learning needs of all pupils including those pupils that require further support and those pupils that demonstrate gifts or talents.
- The agreed syllabus covers key concepts and processes as the children: 1. Know about and understand a range of religions and world views; 2. Express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religion and worldview; 3. Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religion and world view.
- ‘ Understanding Christianity weaves approaches to teaching about Christianity that build upon the children’s encounters with biblical concepts. Units of work address a key Christian concept through key questions and exploration of key biblical texts, the impact that they have on Christians and possible implications of the children themselves.
- At St Matthew’s Bloxam learning opportunities in RE will include the use of drama, art, poetry, music, design and technology, class and group discussion, as well as exploring different forms of communication and writing to fully engage and motivate all pupils.
- Where ever possible first hand learning experience should be planned into units of work through visits to sacred spaces or inviting visitors into school. (Teachers use the SACRE guidelines and access support from the RE Coordinator to ensure that protocol is adhered to and that such learning opportunities are fully utilised). Where such visits/events are not possible interactive web resources or role play opportunities should be utilised to present an authentic learning experience.
- Teachers devise special events or focused RE days/weeks that enrich pupils’ experiences and understanding.
- Wherever possible, RE learning will be linked to other curriculum areas or aspects of pupils’ daily lives.