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Forest School

 “Forest School is an inspirational process that offers children and young people opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self esteem, through hands on learning experiences in a local woodland environment.” National definition.


All year groups have the opportunity to access the Forest School curriculum during the year.


Possible activities may include:

 Hunting for minibeasts and/pond dipping

 Natural crafts – making necklaces from elder crown or dreamcatchers from willow, collages from natural material, weaving with long grasses

 Mud sculptures

 Shelter building and knot tying

 Tree climbing

 Using tools for a purpose – such as peeling bark from sticks to make toasting forks

 Fire building and cooking on a camp fire

 After a Forest School session, please do expect your child to come home muddy, dirty, smelly but beaming!


For more information click on the link below

Parents Guide to Forest School